Cards for a Cause

Designed by Chilliwack children. 

Net proceeds for Chilliwack children.

for a

Designed by Chilliwack children.
Net proceeds for Chilliwack children.

The Bowls of Hope Cards for a Cause campaign is a Bowls of Hope and ChillTV partnership initiative that sells Christmas Cards, designed by children in the community, printed in the community, and sold to people & businesses in the community. All net proceeds go towards supporting our Bowls of Hope programs to feed Chilliwack children. 

The Bowls of Hope Cards for a Cause campaign is a Bowls of Hope and ChillTV partnership initiative that sells Christmas Cards, designed by children in the community, printed in the community, and sold to people & businesses in the community. All net proceeds go towards supporting our Bowls of Hope programs to feed Chilliwack children. 

Artboard 4

Designed by children in the community​

Artboard 9

Printed locally

Artboard 7

Sold locally


If you’re giving cards to your clients anyway, why not do so and help children in need at the same time?  It’s an easy marketing tool and will make your business stand out as a company that cares about our community. 

Artboard 3

Completely customizable-choice of art, inscription, envelope personalization, even pre-signed for your convenience

Snowman postal stamp.

Competitively priced​

Artboard 8

Lets your customers, employees, friends or family know you care, and makes you feel good​


We start accepting and distributing orders from mid October until the end of December. We recommend ordering a minimum of two weeks ahead of when you would like your cards, however, reach out to our team if you need a rushed order.

Stay Informed

Charitable Registration #84984 7082 RR0001 Copyright 2023 © Chilliwack Bowls of Hope Society

Ensure No Child Is cold This Winter

Learn about our Winter Warmth program where we supply local children with coats and boots. 

Ensure No Child Is cold This Winter

Donate to our Winter Warmth program where we supply local children with coats and boots.